it's practically medieval

I realized that my monthly eval stats don't mean anything unless you know exactly what I am put through
  • Sit & Reach: This tests, what? Flexibility, I guess. Sitting with legs straight out in front of you, heels on the ground about a foot apart. You lean down in between and stretch your hands as far down the measuring tape as you can.
  • Sit-ups: # sit-ups in 1 minute
  • Push-ups: # push-ups in 1 minute (on the knee push-ups, but still …)
  • Pull-ups: # pull-ups in 1 minute (assisted pull-ups, meaning I’m under the bar, leaning at a 45% angle with my feet on the ground)
  • T-test: Best time out of three. A sprinting thing between cones set up in a T-formation; reminds me of football practice. (Ya know, back when I played ball before my knee injury.)
  • The Plank: A truly hateful Pilates-ish ab exercise; horrifyingly deceptive.

And there you have it; my monthly torture test.


Anonymous said…
I am going to try again.
I am so proud of you & know you will make your stated goals.
Just remember, it is muscle tone, inches, firmness, energy & just plain feeling good that makes the difference with looking good, feeling good and being HOT! Pounds are the least reliable measurement.

Your quest and journal will inspire me and hopefully Dad.

You are a wonderful woman.
Love ya

ps .... I think I can even figure out the coments being made, by you, to Cody on the video :-]

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