warm as toast

I am a cold, cold person. When winter rolls around, I haven't been warm since 1994. Which is when I moved to the Emerald City. I mean, it's not super cold here; but it's not the cold, it's the humidity. It was way colder in DC ... but it was a dry cold. The chill here sinks into the bones and makes you feel old.* Coldilocks, that's what my ex-husband (my "first draft", as we like to say) used to call me.

Until this year! This winter has been magically warm inside my skin, and I think I owe it to my personal trainer. That must be it, right? Nothing else has changed. Working out makes you warm! And skinnier! Who knew? (I'm guessing a lot of you knew, and I'm mad at you for not telling me.) I will sincerely try not to proselytize too much about my new fitness regimen, but it may be the single best change I've made in my life in the arm's reach of my memory.

*I'm not some kind of trendsetter by remarking on this phenomenon; in fact, we don't ever get friggin' sick of talking about it. That and the fucking traffic. Seriously, Seattlites. SHUT. IT. (Except for you, Egg ... you can talk all you want. Why, thank you! You're welcome.)


Unknown said…
You're not cold.

And neither are you old.
(As I shudder to think what that would make me...)

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Cappie pal! Hope your day (Saturday, right?) is warmer than today, and full of much love and peace and general merriment.

I will be going to Centralia (woo-hoo!) to celebrate another Cappie friend's b'day, and I will raise at least one glass in honor of the arrival of the incredible Egg.
(egg) said…
Thanks, Suzanne; travel safe!
Lively said…
Hey! I went to Centralia too! I think we know the same person. : )

On point, I also used to be cold all the time and exercise changed my freezing, bird-boned life. Now I'm hot. So hot. ha.

Many happy returns, Egg.

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