i may be vain, but i'm not proud

Here's the workout I went through last Saturday. Before you watch it, you just have to know this --- every single thing you see is way harder than it appears. That's how Cody tricks me into doing things.


Full disclosure: Cody had videoed a workout once before but he said we couldn't use it, because "You weren't smiling." Yeah, no shit. Gee, I wonder why. In between the agony, the lack of breath, and my pleas to simply kill me quickly - who's got time to smile?


Anonymous said…
Hi my favorite daughter - -You are truly an amazing woman. Putting yourself "out there" with that vid clip shows you have a lot of guts (or that I've raised an exhibitionist) ;o) Best of luck on your quest for physical conditioning, and
health. Much love...
Anonymous said…
What the folks out there should know is that I'm not realy his favorite ... I'm his only! Love you, Dad!

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