i'll take the rocking chair but not the walker

How I know we're (mostly) adults now:
  • We "hosted" (at a bar) our joint b-day party starting at 7pm last night, and the first few guests showed up ... at 7pm!!
  • My ex-husband and various other exxes of attendees were there and it wasn't awkward for anyone.
  • No one got wasted.
  • Shoogie and I were the very last to leave and I was still in bed by 11:30pm.
  • I was in, alert, and ready for an 8am meeting this morning.

What still gives me hope for our last vestiges of carefree youth:

  • Ass-grabbing strangers and friends alike.
  • The playful yet unyielding focus on the extremely nice tits of our server.
  • Shoogie and I were the last to leave, and had to cover the leftover bill from people who forgot to pay or underestimated their share.


Anonymous said…
She really did have nice tits. It's true.

Thanks for the cool party, Peg. I had a great time, it's so nice to get together with friends like that.
the beige one said…
dude, I mean...that shirt...
Christopher said…
Good to know I wasn't the only one trying to avoid getting caught looking down her cleavage, like Sophia Loren in that famous photo with Jayne Mansfield. Besides, you just know she's usin' it to get mega-tippage, which is fine so far as it goes, but still.

And I must admit, it's nice to know one lives in a world where the occasional bout of spontaneous ass-grabbing will not automatically result in either legal actions or trips to the emergency room.
Basil said…
Had a great time, egg. Thanks.
Sorry you got stiffed with the bill, too. Seeing as how I paid $40 for 4 drinks (!!!), that must've been no small feat.
Gotta say, that place was so chill on Thursday night that I brought friends back the next night.
Bad idea. Sonics game. Lower Queen Anne. Bad (and small-breasted) service.
But they serve spam-dogs! Aloha!
(egg) said…
Yeah, Hula Hula is going to be a weekday eveing haunt, I think. Weekend evenings suck for bars on QA. For me anyway. I like to actually talk to my friends and stuff.

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