dream a little dream

About a half-year ago, I spoke of my college wish/dream book and my friend LMB who still kept her book and updated it on a regular basis.

A few years ago, she and her husband added an item to the book that is within spitting distance of coming true:

This is a very delicate email to write and a very personal plea. After 1 & 1/2 years of searching, we think we might have found the perfect building for our rare/used bookstore and P.I. firm. It is located right on the border of two Chicago neighborhoods, Morgan Park and Beverly. It is right across the street from a little green park and a Metra Station. It is within blocks of the Beverly Arts Center, the police station, a post office and a high school. The building is beautiful and perfect for what we need. However, the downpayment is just a few thousand dollars out of our reach. We need to raise approx $11,000 and we think we can scrape up about $7,000.

FYI, she did not ask me to post this; I am posting it of my own free will because she was one of the most important people in my young semi-wayward life. I love her. You don't know her, and none of us have money to toss around; but if you have the inclination and ability for charity right now, you can pitch in to the dream. Just like public radio fund drives and theatre rent parties ... no amount is too small and no amount goes underappreciated.

Also, a rare bookstore/private eye firm? How Dashiell-Hammett-cool is that?


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