why hello there stranger

Where've you been? KIDDING! I'm know it's me who's been gone so long. C'mon baby - don't be like that.

The Women at ACT Theatre closes this weekend. From Sept. 11 to Dec. 16. I think it's like 80-85 performances total. 8x/week in addition to holding down my day job (p/t job, but still). I can count on one hand the number of pure days off I've had in that entire 3 month period, and most of those have been in the last 2 weeks. Not complaining, mind you, BUT! It'll be nice to have my regular life back starting next week. I have so much to spill about the experience, but you have to be patient just a little while longer. (As if you're on the edge of your seat, right?)

I'm at my day job right now, and I mainly stopped by to let you know about a new DIY venture of mine ... check out my new-found craftiness at www.hardwearables.com.

I love you. I really do. Seriously! Come back here!!!


Basil said…
Well, well, look at the artisan!
These are super cool, Red. You're the next Utilikilts!
(why are you punching me?!)
(egg) said…
I am totally going to make Utilikilts sell my stuff! I'll tell 'em you sent me.
Christopher said…
Welcome back! (I'm coming to see yer show tonight - I know, I know, just call me "Mr. Procrastination", but I've been busy too!)

Neat stuff, and yes you should totally get UK to sell it! Reminds me of some jewelry I a while back, all made from bicycle chain.

And hey, don't forget about guy-stuff, 'cause you know, what guy wouldn't want to wear a fashion accessory made out of 10 mm hex nuts?
(egg) said…
Hey Comte! Hang out for a bit after for me to say hi ... haven't seen you in a dog's year.

Beleive me, Mark doesn't let me forget about guy-stuff. It's next on my to-do list after sleep & laundry! ;-)
Christopher said…
Sorry, didn't stick around afterwards; I was feeling a bit sleepy by the end - no fault of the show, mind you, which was DEE-lightful! - so I skipped out right after the curtain call.

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