
Here's a photo to stave off my guilt until I post again. This is me on my first entrance in The Tempest (on the lake), which closed last weekend. So fun, I can't even tell you. I haven't had withdrawal from a show in awhile.


Anonymous said…
Hi, I did a google search for ban ban caliban. Can you tell me what this is all about please?
Thank you.
(egg) said…
Hey sure, Anon; although I'm not sure I entirely understand what you're asking. As I say in the post, I was in The Tempest this summer, and I played Caliban. The show was done on a beach on Lake Sammamish (near Seattle, WA), and this is me in costume entering for my first entrance.

I assume you know this (since you searched for it), but just in case ... The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare, and Caliban is one the characters in the play (often portrayed as a deformed monster). "Ban-ban-ca-caliban" is a line that Caliban sings when he is celebrating a little victory.

Hope that helps ... let me know if you were searching for different info than this.

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