Here's a photo to stave off my guilt until I post again. This is me on my first entrance in The Tempest (on the lake), which closed last weekend. So fun, I can't even tell you. I haven't had withdrawal from a show in awhile.
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Anonymous said…
Hi, I did a google search for ban ban caliban. Can you tell me what this is all about please? Thank you.
Hey sure, Anon; although I'm not sure I entirely understand what you're asking. As I say in the post, I was in The Tempest this summer, and I played Caliban. The show was done on a beach on Lake Sammamish (near Seattle, WA), and this is me in costume entering for my first entrance.
I assume you know this (since you searched for it), but just in case ... The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare, and Caliban is one the characters in the play (often portrayed as a deformed monster). "Ban-ban-ca-caliban" is a line that Caliban sings when he is celebrating a little victory.
Hope that helps ... let me know if you were searching for different info than this.
On an almost cellular level, I sincerely abhor the new catch-all catch-phrase when someone thinks they're making a clever point: "I'm just saying." Or - even worse - without the pronoun: "Just saying." Oh, really ? Is *that* what you're just doing? Saying? Well, I'm just punching you in the nose, you self-satisfied fuckwad. I despise it. It has this air of undeserved smug finality, as if god itself has made this person the mouthpiece of the final say in the matter. Always with the implied silence of an ellipsis, as if daring you to disagree with their obviously airtight summation. Oh, I see! If it's you that's saying, well - that's it, then! Case closed, everybody! He just said! Please don't just say, "Just saying." It's rude. Say what you want to say, and then, if it's a spirited discussion, maybe back it up with a few well-reasoned points. Then let others say. It totally works.
I was re-reading this post , and the comments, and I realized that I'd be ashamed and embarrassed if my bosses read it. Not because I'm chicken (I'm not), nor because I said things I didn't mean (I didn't). I intended to be humorously snarky , but I just sounded like an ass (to myself at least). Because I called them out when I really should have called myself out. I used them as examples of an issue I've personally been struggling with. What does it mean to be politically liberal? I know many of the definitions, that's not what I mean. But how do I manifest it in my daily life? Do I choose to spend my money at businesses that act in accordance with my beliefs? Do I leave my car at home whenever possible? Do I always recycle, even when it's a pain in the ass? Well, I have given up some things that I enjoy(ed), but usually only when it's not inconvenient to me. Like I gave up McDonald's fast food. Primarily I gave it up because of environmental an...
What do you call someone who is more than an acquaintance, but less than a full-fledged friend? This isn't a set-up for a joke; I actually want to know. Is there an elegant descriptive term for it? What do you use when describing a person such as this in your own life?
Thank you.
I assume you know this (since you searched for it), but just in case ... The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare, and Caliban is one the characters in the play (often portrayed as a deformed monster). "Ban-ban-ca-caliban" is a line that Caliban sings when he is celebrating a little victory.
Hope that helps ... let me know if you were searching for different info than this.