hey! open up! it's meme!

My life was normal, okay. Happy even. I had been tagged for nary a meme. I didn't know what I was missing!! Now I've got 2 on my plate!


I am beside myself with anxiety and glee. Memes are like the in-crowd. You're delighted they even noticed you, but now you have to make sure you wear make-up everyday and that your shoes are perfect and that you never have a booger EVER. Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls knows what I'm talking about.

The first meme comes from Tina over at The Gallivanting Monkey:

I ask you to tell us 3 fantasies about yourself if you were a total, unbelievable success. Like the hero of all future reunions.
This meme made me realize that my dreams are humble but fierce. Here we go ...
  1. I have the courage & resources to act in alignment with my beliefs. ALL THE TIME. I have built, decorated and furnished a home as green as humanly possible, with only exactly as much space as we need. I clean it all myself (again, green) because I like to clean and it's good exercise. I buy my food local, organic & sustainable. I buy my clothes, shoes & accessories from local textile artists. I've finally realized how to dress myself appropriately for all occasions. I speak up when I see injustices in public, but with humor & kindness - in such a way that doesn't anger or embarrass anyone. I have at last figured out how to engage in productive & valuable discourse with someone I disagree with. Where I used to think - "That sucks, but what can I do about it?" - I now know what it is that I can do about it. And then I actually do it.

  2. I know how to do maintenance on my own car. I can play guitar. I know Aikido. I know how to swing dance and how to salsa. I'm working on a book I'll probably never finish. I have a workshop where I create ... things! I don't know what yet, but whatever I want.

  3. I'm not famous, but I don't have to audition for anything anymore. People just call me and offer me stuff. Good stuff; exciting stuff. Not just acting stuff, either, but I am sought after as a director, a dramaturg, a producer. People truly like to work with me as well as are always impressed with my ... (well, since it's my fantasy) ... my GENIUS coupled with my HUMILTY.

HA! That was entirely fun. Thanks, Tina, my love!

Memes ahead: Suzanne has issued me a challange over at Perfecting Procrastination. Perhaps I'll get to it tomorrow. Or the next day. Some day soon.


Anonymous said…
#3 would be my dream come true.
Anonymous said…
It's never too late to start training in Aikido. Get busy, woman!

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